Digitaalinen viestintä ja some – Haasteet ihmisoikeuksille ja demokratialle

27.05.2019 - 27.05.2019

Tapahtuman kuvaus

27.5.2019, 14.00-17.00, Tampereen yliopisto, Linna, seminaarihuone 6017

Libanonilainen sosiaalisen median ja digitaalisten verkostojen asiantuntija ja aktivisti Mohamad Najem puhuu digitaalisen viestinnän tuomista uhkista ja mahdollisuuksista ihmisoikeuksia ja demokratiaa ajatellen. Verkkoviestintä helpottaa kommunikaatiota, mutta helpottaa samalla valvontaa ja kontrollointia.

Tilaisuuden järjestävät TAPRI, tutkimuskeskus COMET ja Suomen Anna Lindh -verkosto.

Digital Communication and Social Media – Challenges for Human Rights and Democracy

During a couple of last decades we have witnessed a kind of “Digital Revolution” in almost all the fields of life concerning social, political, cultural and economic domains among many others.

This Digital Revolution has also a strong impact on media and political environment, they are both positive and, unfortunately, negative too. With digital tools, all kind of communication becomes easier, but these tools will also increase the possibilities of different sort of obscure on-line control by undemocratic and illiberal actors.

Social Media – “Some” in Finnish – is playing an important role in many political processes all over the world.

We will have an opportunity to learn about its meaning in the Middle East and North Africa when our guest from Lebanon will tell more about it.

Mohamad Najem talks on

“Digital Communication and Social Media – Challenges for Human Rights and Democracy”

The session takes place in 27 May 2019 14-17, in Tampere University, Linna Building, Seminar Room 6017.

Mohamad Najem is the co-founder and advocacy director of Lebanese organisation “Social Media Exchange (SMEX)”. He will tell us what kind of possibilities we have to defend public space against all kind of on-line threats. Read more.

After Mohamad’s presentation, we will have plenty of time to debate the topic with him and between ourselves.

TAPRI is organising this session with Mohamad Najem together with the Tampere Research Centre for Journalism, Media and Communication COMET and with the support of the Finnish Anna Lindh network.

Our session is a very exceptional occasion to approach this rather complicated matter concerning communication and social media. Do not miss it!

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