Hae harjoitteluun Anna Lindh -säätiön päämajaan Aleksandriaan Egyptiin!

Ohjelma Kehitysyhteistyötä tekevät organisaatiot ulkomailla
Harjoittelupaikka Intern, Area Programme Network Unit, Anna Lindh Foundation (ALF), Alexandria, Egypt
Harjoitteluaika 6 kk, harjoittelija sopii harjoittelun ajankohdan työnantajan kanssa
Ilmoita hakemuksessa milloin voit aloittaa harjoittelun.
Työaika 5 pv/vko, 8 h/pv
Työtehtävät The trainee will work under supervision of the Head of Programme and Network Unit. The tasks proposed to be undertaken are related to a general support of the main areas of PNU:

  1. Support to the Programmes and Network Teams in the development of the programmes and implementation of the activities
  2. Support in the data compilation, reporting and monitoring tools (projects and grants)
  3. Documentation and Research support in the field of EuroMed intercultural dialogue programmes
Valintakriteerit Age
Between 19 and 32 years old

Academic qualifications
BA or MA in areas relevant to ALF mission: humanities and social sciences, for example

  • intercultural communication
  • communication
  • development studies or
  • studies related to the MENA region.

ALF accepts students or recently graduated students with less than two years of working experience.

Citizens of one of the 42 member countries of the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership

Languages required: Managing two languages (EN/FR or EN/AR)


  • Knowledge of the euro-med dossier and studies related to any field in sociocultural and international relations issues.
  • Interest and knowledge about civil society dossier
  • Experience from workingin/volunteering for CSOs, prior experience from the MENA-region, experience from development projects, strong skills in social media and other online communication etc.

Expertise required
Studies in managerial domain or interest in organizational and operations in the field.

Palkka CIMOn apuraha 840 euroa/kk
Työskentelykieli englanti sekä ranska tai arabia

Hakemus, liitteet ja motivaatiokirje englanniksi, motivaatiokirje myös ranskaksi tai arabiaksi

Lisätietoja CIMOn verkkosivuilla.