IPI Kulmakuppila Open mic: People and their places

14.03.2018 - 14.03.2018

Tapahtuman kuvaus

Helsingin sanataidekoulu, IPI Kulmakuppila, Arts Promotion Center
Finland and Bravo Festival proudly present:


We live in a time of change. More people are moving from country to country than in any time in history. Our towns and cities are constantly altering: the people, the shops and the lifestyle – but what does this mean to our culture? On Wednesday, 14th March 2018, we invite all people from all backgrounds, with all languages to share their vision of our times. Tell us about people you know, people you love, places that have changed, places that are the same or perhaps something completely different. Poets, writers, songwriters and all other artists are invited to IPI Kulmakuppila (Porthaninkatu 13) for a night of creativity and inspiration.

Our host, Arji Manuelpillai arji.org, has been a rapper, poet and education artist for over 15 years. He has performed with multiple bands both nationally and internationally alongside acts including Ed Sheeran and Akala. The education strand of his career has allowed him to connect with young people and adults across the world, creating drama and words with them that inspires vulnerable people to create themselves. For Arji, art isn’t about being the biggest or most famous, it’s about unlocking the creative child inside us all, so that we can all express ourselves to our potential.

Wednesday, 14th March: 6 pm, IPI Kulmakuppila, Porthaninkatu 13


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