Tapahtuman kuvaus
Bistro K (Kapsäkki) 20:00-23.00
Taidepoppia Syyriasta: Kristina Issa esiintyi ensimmäistä kertaa Suomessa 10.10. ravintola Kapsäkissä
Kristina on syyrialaistaustainen, ja hän ammentaa sanoituksissaan Syyrian historiasta ja sitä repivästä sisällissodasta. Ennen bändiä lavalle nousivat Steven Vihalem ja Kristi Ockba esittämään runoja sekä vogue-artisti Alyssa Chloe NYC, joka opettaa New Yorkin klubeilla syntynyttä tanssia Euroopassa.
Tapahtuma Facebookissa: https://www.facebook.com/events/598000340734256/.
Kuvat: Ella Kiviniemi
Kristina Issa grew up in a small town in Sweden where she and her family were different because they were one of the few immigrant families. Kristina’s texts are about exclusion, longing, hope and justice. These themes permeate the intense pop music that has been taken on both Sweden and Europe tours and has repeatedly caused the audience to both dance and cry. Ocean unknown is an album on Arabic Spring with stories about Syria, the country and the war.
Alyssa Chloe is a dancer/educator/producer originally from the USA based in Gothenburg. She specialises in 2 artforms that originate from NYC and LA’s Underground Gay scene called Vogue and Punking/Whacking. After building a dance career in NYC, she has been in Europe for the past 6 years introducing these artforms and the culture to Gothenburg.
Werk: Expression out of Oppression, a lecture focusing on the origins of two styles to emerge from the Black and Latinx LGBTQ+ communities of NYC and LA , Vogue and Punking/Whacking designed to educate and entertain audiences.
Free entrance
Schedule will be published later
Inquiries: Anna Lindh Finland
Tapahtuman järjestävät yhteistyössä Suomen ja Ruotsin Anna Lindh -verkostot.