New member: Olemisen Balanssia ry

Introduction by Olemisen Balanssia ry:

As Olemisen; we are a research-based entity and conducting research and development studies in the fields of formal education, trainings, establishing national and international networks, combining theoretical and methodological studies with real-life field studies.

Mission and Objectives
Our aim is to be an independent and research-based non-profit entity that contributes to the structural transformation in education for the development of the learner and society by creating a common mind from qualified data, constructive dialogue and different opinions.

The main focus of our work is the definition of educational needs, with activities focused on data collection, structured research, and constructive dialogue. Inspired by the Finnish educational model, we prioritize social-emotional learning alongside cutting-edge educational technologies. We believe that everyone should be prepared for today’s workforce and understand the complex world in which we live and so we need to raise standards, providing a solid education in science, mathematics, and technology and developing the transversal skills to work collaboratively and creatively with others.

Main Projects and Activities
Olemisen Balanssia ry believes that empowering citizens and organizations will shape our future. We are creating our project-based works in line with the principles of Development of Qualified Pedagogical Skills, Decent IT Competences, Transparency and Accountability, Local Participation, Change for the Better and Lifelong Long Learning.

E-learning platform for up-skilling in fund-raising practice, financial digital literacy in NGO management

Qualified basic skills training
Updated curriculum for concrete skills like Numeracy, Oral communication, Critical thinking, Digital skills, literacy and Media literacy with adjusted content meeting the real needs.

Act for environment before it is going to be too late!

Open data e-learning platform and digital tools for participatory decision making

Young Digital Social Innovators

Full-steam Ahead
Drives many of their schoolwide practices and policies, creating a welcoming, participatory, and caring climate for (active) learning.

Vegan food
A research project for the vegan nutrition system

A group of people listen to a presentation at a classroom.