Tapahtuman kuvaus
Syrian women in war and peace
at Maailma kylässä festival 27 May, in Moninainen Suomi tent, 15:00-15:30
The bloody war in Syria has been going on for six years already. While the battles are mostly fought by men, one should wonder: what’s going on with the other half of the society meanwhile? What is the role of the Syrian women in bringing peace to the country? What are their possibilities to act?
Sanna Ra, journalist with extensive experience from the Middle East, will interview two experts on the role of women in Syria, both before and during the war.
The discussion will take place in English.
Venue: ’Moninainen Suomi’ tent at Maailma kylässä World Village Festival on Saturday 27 May, at 3PM.
On stage: Heba Al-Argha, Lea Pakkanen (FELM) & Sanna Ra.
The discussion is organized by the Finnish Anna Lindh Network & Suomen Lähetysseura (FELM).