Toivotamme tervetulleeksi kaksi uutta jäsenjärjestöä: HEED Association Finland ry sekä Finnish Human Rights Advocates Ry!
HEED Finland on järjestö, jonka tavoitteena on parantaa maahanmuuttajien ja pakolaisten elämänlaatua Suomessa edistämällä terveyttä, koulutusta ja kotoutumista.
”The mission is to educate, equip and empower immigrants and refugees to be able to make informed decisions concerning their health, and career choices and to ensure proper integration into Finnish Society. The vision is improved quality of life for all immigrants and refugees in Finland through effective health promotion interventions, guidance on education, research and integration.
-Raise awareness of the prevalence of health issues confronting immigrants and their families.
-Educate immigrants on preventing and managing communicable, non-communicable, and other health issues.
-Raise awareness of mental health-related issues among immigrants.
-Host peer support groups on different health-related issues among immigrants
-Empower immigrant women to take the lead on health promotion, education and integration in the family
-Orientate families and young people on education and career choices in Finland
-Empower Immigrant families to be actively involved in their children´s education
-Guide immigrants on key aspects that enhance proper and smooth integration into the Finnish society
-Bridge the gap between culture and other cultures in Finland
-Develop collaboration with organisations involved in health promotion, education and integration issues
-Cooperate with different immigrant communities aimed at empowerment and capacity building.
-Conduct research on issues related to health, education and integration of immigrants in Finland”
Lisätietoa järjestöstä heidän nettisivuillaan:
Finnish Human Rights Advocates Ry:n päätavoite on puolustaa ihmisoikeuksia.
The main goal of FHRA is to stand up for human rights, particularly in cases of
government racism, discrimination, and persecution. FHRA works towards achieving
this goal by:
1. Advocating for the recognition and protection of human rights including the rights of
marginalized and vulnerable communities.
2. Monitoring government policies and actions for potential human rights violations
and taking action to prevent and address such violations.
3. Providing legal and practical support to individuals and groups who have
experienced human rights abuses, including access to legal representation and
4. Educating the public and raising awareness about human rights issues through public
campaigns, events, and outreach programs.
5. Building partnerships and collaborations with other organizations and groups
working towards the promotion and protection of human rights.
6. Lobbying government officials and policymakers to adopt and implement policies
that are in line with human rights principles and standards.
7. Providing training and capacity-building opportunities for individuals and
organizations working towards the promotion and protection of human rights.
Through these actions, FHRA aims to ensure that every person is treated with dignity
and respect and that their human rights are protected and upheld, regardless of their
background or identity.”
Lue lisää järjestöstä heidän nettisivuiltaan: