Three debates around the Intercultural Trends Survey between 20 – 28 September

20.09.2021 - 28.09.2021

Tapahtuman kuvaus

You are welcome to join these three debates around the themes of the Intercultural Trends Survey in the EuroMed region in the following weeks:

Monday 20 September at 4.30–6.00 pm Finnish time:

Climate change, food, water and migration outlines in the Mediterranean

More info:

Thursday 23 September at 4.00–6.00 pm Finnish time:

Strengthening Euro-Mediterranean multicultural background

More info:

Tuesday 28 September at 12.30–14.00 pm Finnish time:

Cross-cultural reporting beyond stereotypes on migration and mobility in the EuroMed

More info:

The international ALF encourages the participation of its network members to engage in these events with academia, students, and journalists. The activities are organized by ALF in partnership with the Mediterranean Universities Union (UNIMED).

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