Migrant women in Europe and North Africa

04.05.2019 - 04.05.2019

Tapahtuman kuvaus

Migrant women in Europe and North Africa – interview with a Tunisian-Italian women’s rights activist at Finnish Social Forum, 4.5. at 12:30 in Arbis:

We must contest the narrative of migrant women arriving to Europe, being excluded from the society and ending up being vulnerable to exploitation and violence. Why a European moving for a better opportunities in study or work, is called an ”expat” while individuals coming from the south of the world have to be labeled differently? While civic spaces for promoting women’s rights are shrinking, migrant women are organizing themselves with the aim to be part of the conversation, refusing to be tokenized and used as part of a political agenda, either from the left or right. It’s time to bridge the intergenerational gap and generally work in solidarity to empower migrant women, who as much as any other women, have a voice!

Sodfa Daaji, co-chair of Afrika Youth Movement, is a Tunisian Italian women’s rights activist, convener and mobilizer. Her advocacy focuses on the rights of women, in particular of migrant, refugee displaced women, and the role of young women in bridging solidarity and making impact.

The panel discussion is part of the program of Finnish Social Forum 4.-5.5.2019. Event in Facebook.


The Finnish network of Anna Lindh Foundation

MONIKA – Multicultural Women’s Association

#sosiaalifoorumi #ssf2019

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