Women’s rights and patriarchal interpretations of religion and traditions

04.05.2019 - 04.05.2019

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Panel discussion on patriarchal interperetations of religion and traditions at Finnish Social Forum, 4.5. at 14:30 in Arbis:

Traditions and religious interpretations are deliberately used by the patriarchy to repress women. How can we examine these repressive ways without ending up to cultural essentialism? Violations to women’s rights and obstacles to empowerment can’t be explained by culture. They are results of underlying power, veiled as culture.

Still, the current patriarchal interpretations are socially constructed and there must be ways leading to change. Women and men in both sides of the Mediterranean need courage to address these issues and eventually set us free from these norms. In a panel discussion with Sodfa Daaji, Seida Sohrabi and Bahar Mozaffari, we will discuss how it is possible to unlock their courage. We must build solidarity and nurture women’s engagement to make sure that women shape a new narrative against the patriarchal interpretation of religions and traditions.

Panel discussion with

Sodfa Daaji, co-chair of Afrika Youth Movement. Sodfa Daaji is a Tunisian Italian women’s rights activist, convener and mobilizer. Her advocacy focuses on the rights of women, in particular of migrant, refugee displaced women, and the role of young women in bridging solidarity and making impact.

Seida Sohrabi, Socio-Political Influencer, M.Soc.Sci. Seida Sohrabi is an active member of Finnish society and she’s particularly interested in improving the position of women. Sohrabi has studied Middle Eastern Studies in Virginia Tech and she recently graduated from the University of Turku.

Bahar Mozaffari, Chair of Board of MONIKA -Multicultural Women´s Association, Finland. Bahar Mozaffari is an expert on integration, she is specialiced on women´s issues. Bahar works as a project manager at Maahanmuuttajien osaamiskeskus at City of Vantaa.

The panel discussion is part of the program of Finnish Social Forum 4.-5.5.2019. Event in Facebook.


The Finnish network of Anna Lindh Foundation

MONIKA – Multicultural Women’s Association

#sosiaalifoorumi #ssf2019

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