Tapahtuman kuvaus
Communication Lab, 2–3 December, Kokkola
Noin 20 nuoren ryhmä kokoontui Kokkolaan suunnitelelmaan vastanarratiiveja rasistisille ja muuten syrjiville narratiiveille. Nuorten valitsemat teemat projekteilleen olivat vaikeita: vihapuhe, valeuutiset, seksuaalinen häirintä ja äärioikeistolainen poliittinen ideologia.
Nuoria osallistui työpajaan Suomesta, Tanskasta, Virosta, Tunisiasta, Marokosta ja Libyasta. Pohjoisafrikkalaisten ja pohjoiseurooppalaisten nuorten on harvinaista päästä kohtaamaan ja keskustelemaan näin poliittisista asioista.
The Finnish network was happy to welcome 20 young participants from Mediterranean and Baltic sea to Finland to develop their communication strategies in a Young Mediterranean Voices communications lab. This was the second Young Mediterranean Voices event in Finland, after a successful YMV debate in Rovaniemi, Lapland earlier in the fall of 2019.
After the theoretical introduction, the group had an activation exercise with personal experiences and then a full day of group work with projects. Every group would plan a campaign that could counter a specific type of hate speech. An important question was, how to create counter narratives without antagonising and creating polarisation. One of the solutions was a “Love Speech Movement”, where positive messages were communicated instead of negative ones. Other topics addressed by the groups were gender-based violence, alt-right politics and fake news
The Young Mediterranean Voices programme is coordinated by the Anna Lindh Foundation, co-founded by the British Council, and developed in partnership with the Centre for Mediterranean Integration (CMI), Friends of Europe, the World Leadership Alliance-Club de Madrid, MEDAC and Soliya. The programme is funded by the European Commission (DG Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations) and co-funded by the Government of Finland, World Bank Group and the British Council.
Kuvat: Anna Lindh Foundation